Thursday, 16 July 2015

Snore alone

I was on a Europe tour for summer dreaming , set myelf free from the fear of being terrorise by all the viral Facebook news on racial problems back home . Sometimes when the situation is over exaggerated in the social media , and people are taking advantage to twist the actual story to create false alarm , you get worriesome for no reason , it's not any good to my mind or spirit , ain't it ? 

Moral of the story is , in life there are things you cannot change by just being worried . Fighting and wars existed since ancient times and it will persist to , so learn to find your lasting peace placidly.

But I was a little unlucky and got into a train that my bunk mate snores so badly . Ear plugs and eye mask was provided but when you are excited about the whole adventure , your body is all hyped up , the slightest noise would wake you up . And of course he sounded pretty much like a baby T-Rex snoring . 

Oh no !!!! 

So I spent my journey thinking of what is there in the pharmacy that could treat snoring . Hmm .. Breathe right plaster ? But what if the person does not breathe through the nose ? Then it would not work . Some people breathe through their mouth when they sleep , and the throat gives out a loud snore together with the nose. The plaster works by creating more room in the nasal passage for the sufferer to breathe easier . Sleep apnea would not benefit from this as well because sleep apnea is usually obese and the breathing is disrupted from tight airways not so much on the nasal passage . 
Snoreeze nasal/throat spray is also not suitable for sleep apnea sufferer , but some benefit may be gained by normal snoring . So there is still no cure totally .. Let's move one step up . 

Surgery ? 

Invasive but I suppose it will evidently reduce the problem . At least for a good 2-3 years period , said the ENT specialist . But anyone older than 45 years of age would not completely freed from such trouble , as the reduction in flexibility of the vocal cords reduce according to age, so the relapse of the same problem after 2 years is likely to happen , so you would really have to keep going back to the surgeon every now and then . 

Ahhhh I give up . I don't know any symptomatic relief for this condition , I mean not 100 % effective ones . 

There is a saying that if you laugh ,  the whole world laugh with you . If you snore , you sleep alone . . . The train approaches the station I am about to get off and he is still snoring away . Bye bunk mate , I think I should leave you alone now, hopefully we won't meet again in the train back to London a few days later LOL 

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