Tuesday, 14 July 2015

R a c i s m

I was just saying how famous jibby was among my UK friends last night and this morning there is another continuation of disgrace on how bad our country is in the midst of economic doldrums . 

My girl friends who is currently at work then whatsapp me on how glad she is that I am currently in the UK for 2 weeks at least she knows I am safe , but in the mean time I am worried for my family and friends working back home. The riot incident is just steps away from my workplace to be exact . 

So I started thinking about things and let my imagination run wild which is what I call day d r e a m i n g . . .  I have an idea , hopefully some big pharmaceutical or laboratories research inc would read this and make it a reality . If only we could change our skin color in a tablet . Like any other high blood pressure tablets , to be taken once daily for the management of skin colors ( hyper pigmentation or the other )  . Michael Jackson went through surgeries and later on follow up by topical bleaching to change his skin color , he was a hero , in every aspect in life , to fight for what he wants despite how hard it was to change his skin colour back then . 

Racism did not happen only now in my home country , it existed even before my great grand parents were born with a long history and revolutions and other parts of the world . And if only such tablets were invented , perhaps my co workers or friend in Kuala Lumpur would be working with a peace of mind , not to worry about injury nor cowering in terror among riots in town . 

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