It's my sausage-like lips whenever I travel overseas , to somewhere with a different climate , different composition of allergens in the air . Never heard of it ?? Yea betcha never . Kissing a full thick lips it's everyone's dream *show smooching lips*
Just kidding LAH
It's a rare condition but I've come across people suffering from it just like me . I might make fun of it just like how every family members of mine make fun of me about it since very young age but it is not a pleasant condition to be dawned on when you are not able to eat properly when you have all the opportunity to taste the best fish and chips (when you are in Britain ) or the best coney dog (when you are in Germany ) , it's absolutely the greatest mind and spiritual torture of the world , well at least to me , for someone who loves to eat .
When I was young my mom would just slap my lips with Vaseline , so much so that it will look closer to the actual sausage , greasy and yummy LOL and I will look awful and stupid among my parents' friends' kids . Which explains why I was never a popular kid . Again , double whammy on my self esteem especially when I hit puberty age when vanity is all you care about . So I grow up being grumpy and unpleasant to be with when I travel . Yeap I did say only when I travel , I am actually l o v a b l e during other times okayyyyy ?? *evil laugh*
But then again if it wasn't for this I would not be a pharmacist today . It was the drive to search for the remedy that made me understand so much on medications . There have to be a cure for this curse !!! . So I tried and looked hard into the formularies and found 'miracle' .
Mouth ulcers treatment .
People would think mouth ulcers paste to be use around the affected area , which is the lips and skin around the lips ,not the ulcers inside the lips is crazy , yes most people give me that look when I introduce it over the counter , but let me explain . The reason being the area is inflamed and causing the swell and pain which is why you can't eat . Most mouth ulcers formulation contains a numbing agent and steroid component to help with the inflammation , but because they are for mouth ulcers , they are edible and suitable for the thin skin around the lips . Betnovate and other eczema cream can also be use but definitely not safe to be ingested . Kenalog and dexaltin is ointment base , dab it on to the area , mix it with a good lipbalm ( prefer oil base ) after food and tadahhhhhh ! You can finally eat and enjoy your trip !
The problem is these days kenalog is slowly phasing out , as people usually uses numbing spray on ulcers these days , but I wish people affected could read this blog one day and keep that one good drug on the shelve , for people like us .
What do I call this condition ? How about chocolove(shaman king )dermatitis ?
I'm so glad you found this good solution! My travels have always been disrupted by digestive difficulty, which I have had since I was a child. I would like to discuss this with you as it has progressed to be quite bad. How may I contact you "privately"? Is email an acceptable way? Mine is sscott56 at yahoo dot com. Thank you, "darling" :-D