Diamonds , are officially girls' best friend . They not only look good on your ring finger apparently they can make you look years younger too. Been attending some talk and updates by dermatologist lately and learnt that diamond dusts are good for our skin .
Diamond dusts are incorporated into the high end skincare products, it's probably better to avoid brand names, just type in diamond and skincare these keywords on your search engines and you will find many familiar names pop up together with some famous celebrities LOL . I was skeptical at first about the whole high end skincare , i believe it is all marketing gimmicks until i have seen it with my own naked eyes that the eye bags and wrinkle lines disappear on the [model] 's face. It certainly looks like a magic show.
Diamonds are really effective exfoliators , according to the dermatologist, unlike other abrasive peeling agents, it does not damage the skin . Its objective is to to a microdermabrasion on the outer tough skin layer then allows the skincare to penetrates deeper into the stratum corneum , leaving the skin brighter and softer in the end. Diamond dusts were used by cosmetic dentist for tooth whitening process too , to open up the pores of the enamel ,teeth has pores too * OHEMGEEEE* prior to the whitening process .
On the other hand , gold another glittering substance are also really good for the skin (but in the creams) . 24 carat pure gold when incorporated into the face cream , it is strengtening and rejuvenating. Gold increase blood flow on the area and activates cellular processes and promotes regeneration , slows down the breakdown of collagen , so it is important if you are taking the collagen supplement before bedtime and to use the gold infuse serum and cream. They work hand in hand . Melanin which is the culprit for skin pigmentation can be improve by the use of gold as gold slows the production of melanin.
Cleopatra the Egyptian queen uses gold mask every night, so that explains why she never aged , i guess.
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