Let's talk about the terms .
'Heaty' is use mostly on fried food or high carbohydrate things . For instance deep fried banana fritters , KFC , French fries and durian , medjools , banana , rambutan and mangosteens. My mom would go , drink more water after you have eaten all the 'heaty' stuff . I would go like what heaty rambutan? You mean you heat the rambutan in the microwave and now it's burning and the water helps put out the fire like an fire engine ? ? ? Mom would be like : aiyooo ! If not you will have sore throat Tomorrow . How did she guess ? But she is right sometimes . So I learn to think scientifically and would question some hypothesis . So let's say if I have fried chicken in Iceland in winter ? Is it still 'heaty' ? The answer is yes and no . Basically I have come to a conclusion about 'heaty' , I would say what it really means are high caloric food that are high in energy . The reason being heaty is that with high caloric intake , if you do not utilize or burn off the calorie by increasing the activity , your body's normal energy equilibrium will be disrupted . When things are not balance , your body would fall sick . Water helps bring body temperature down and increasing the metabolism so the calorie is burn off faster , giving the right equilibrium back to the body .
So when your body's energy equilibrium is off balance for a few days that's how you will fall sick as the bad bacteria starts to win over the low immunity .
'Coldish' meaning things that are negative calorie , seaweed , celery , papaya or some call it paw paw , pineapple and grass jelly . These things generally makes you go to the toilet as they retain water and solve your constipations. So here comes what mom would say : avoid taking those when are pregnant or having your menstrual . They belief that the coldish things causes miscarriage and your vjj cramp up . So i suppose it's ok to eat a lot of those if you are a guy ? Well let me explain the medical /scientific understanding of it . These things listed are all fibrous or contains high in sugar that will usually draw water into the bowel after consumption so the bowel movement maybe very strong and causes stomach cramping and slight diarrhea , so the uterus being very close to the stomach , if you get cramps during your menstrual all the time the pain will be accentuated , and you really you can't really tell the cramps apart , they are all at the lower abdominal . Miscarriage is belief to happen when you eat them extensively and the diarrhea could be so bad that the early stage of pregnancy is unstable or attachment of fetus are not strong on the uterus lining , may fall off during a bad diarrhea episodes . But it's over exaggerated when said to avoid TOTALLY before menstrual and pregnancy . But I do understand the Asian customers , when they ask you for advice on what to avoid eating during certain ailment if you laugh it off and say nothing to avoid , they would really think you know nothing and not good enough in your medical judgement . Yes we are paranoid and kiasu ( you can google this word of you don't know the meaning of it ) . So if you don't like to be taken that way then answer them firmly by saying EAT less of grass jelly and pineapple before the menstrual is due . Asian love talking about the minor problems they have over dinner , then your words will be pass on during family gathering and the older ladies on the table would think : hey this pharmacist is good, she knows her stuff let's go to her shop !!
Win win situation .
If you think you don't buy the whole silly concept, then you may want to move working as a pharmacist or doctor in anywhere else but Asia , that would be my biggest dream .
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