Organic hair dye is what I've decided to talk about in today's blog . Many asked if organic hair dye is safe for pregnancy ? The answer is not known . My gf on her very first pregnancy , who is totally vain is really looking for some resolution to this . She said : I've not had my hair black or dark in colour since high school , pleassssse help !!!!
The gimmick about organic marketing is that every relates it to healthy and that organic hair dye must be safe . Think one thing , most wild life mushrooms are organic , but why don't we eat all of them ? Organic does not mean not poisonous . Organic hair dye would be best for children and allergy prone skin . Those with scalp dermatitis , psoriasis on the scalp would benefit from this . The colour in organic dye is usually subtle , which best be use for children as who would want to colour bright green colour in a 7 year old girl ? Unless you want her to look like troll doll from Russ company LOL
Chemical component is low and preservative use in organic dye is mild , so the colour used are hardly intense . People with dye sensitivity usually would have red and itchy scalp a day or two after coloring their hair , so opt for organic dye would be the best bet .
For ladies who are pregnant I would say the ammonia zero colour are even safer than organic hair dye . Simply because the Chromatics colour system is much better with colour option and they last longer compared to organic hair dye . When the colour last longer , the need to touch up and maintaining hair colour is less needed . And with most urban working ladies who needs to look good for their work / occupation during their pregnancy , the fact that it last longer and with better colour , it gives you more time to run errands and looking better all at the same time . So the end result would be a much happier and satisfied or preggy mum !
You think you are totally beauty full inside out ? Which is what I think of all pregnant mama . Then, go Au naturale . After all it's only 9 months , embrace it !
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