Monday, 11 January 2016

Hydroquinone 4% cream

The best thing for stubborn stubborn stains , oops I meant pigment on your face , though to me it really looks like a stain on anybody's face. Well the sight of pigmentation on your cheekbones can be annoying I know , I totally feel you because when I see someone with freckled face I wouldn't try to be nice and say it makes you look cute , because really let's face it 30 years old is wayyyy too old to look cute , it can be really insulting if you are a deep thinker . I believe in the saying 'if you have nothing better to say , it's best to say nothing at all ' .

Pigmentation also known as melasma , it's the appearance of dark spots at areas with high sun exposure , such as your Nose bridge , cheek bones and forehead . The over production of melanin in your body is usually not known why , some say hereditary but not a hundred percent . I would say unlucky if you are fair skinned Asian , and lucky if you are dark-skinned Blacks . The melanin gives us color and the under production of it makes you look pale , for example an albino and you get sun burn much more easily . So the key here is a balance , everything now is about balance I hear it all the time , work life balance , balance diet , balance in relationships escetera escetera ...

It's great if you have it on a single or few areas of your notable skins , because all you need is just a cream ! But if your freckles are all distributed in your body , they would need systemic ( overall ) reduction of melanin , which can be difficult . 

Now there are some really famous formulation in the market for instance Obagi , from the USA but they are hell expensive especially if you get them in the dermatologist clinic in Malaysia , they have some exclusive partnership going on so you don't get it else where and for those ladies who does not do online purchase often , this is their only place to get it , hence resulting the sky high price but still monopolizing the market . The formulation is good but it is way to much to pay for for such a cheap active ingredient . 

Hydroquinone is only less than Rm 10 when you get them in bulk powder if you compound it , well I am not asking you to make your own cream at home but you get the idea.. Why pay so much ?? 

The tube of 4% hydroquinone cream  is only about Rm30 in pharmacy , so there you go with Obagi price , you can buy like 10 tubes of cream for one Obagi cream. Hydroquinone is a bleaching cream so bare in mind you can get very bad reaction is your skin is very very thin and sensitive . If so make sure when you use the cream with some aloe Vera gel (as pure as possible like 92-99%) to help with the burn like feeling and apply sunblock every 2 hours when you are using it on high exposure area (like face, cheekbones area) . The redness and tenderness on the area of use can really put you off using the cream in the long term , if so try using it every other day , trust me your skin will build a tolerance in a month and soon you will be asking me is there a higher strength ?? 4% not enuffffff !!! ??!!! LOL 

You will have to make your own cream in your house junk yard if you really want a higher strength , well you will have to know people like me personally to be able to help source your raw materials *insert wink emoji* . Till then enjoy this amazing cream to lighten your freckles and enjoy flawless Korean like skin , except without the BB cream girls !! 

Ps : You should never never skip sunblock when on hydroquinone cream . 

Pps : you will get fried up if you don't ! 

Ppps : I didn't mean to scare you , love you all much . 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.
    Hydroquinone 4 -Have best skin product to improve skin tone.
