Tuesday, 15 September 2015

H a i r Bleaching

Hydrogen peroxide 6% is what everyone uses to bleach their hair in Australia , and all the platinum blondes would come into the pharmacy to clear my shelve and I need to remember to restock them everytime after they do that . In Australia and Europe , hydrogen peroxide is the least popular for wound cleaning prior to dressing , there are so many other better and newer antiseptic creams in the pharmacy . But over here in Malaysia, the simply old school never continue professional learning kind of pharmacy chain store do still keep them on the shelves under wound care. Well I don't really mind it because I was previously working in Bukit bintang ( before I got fed up with the HQ staff) the shop was the most frequently visited by tourist from the Middle East . The ladies under their cool hijab wear all pretty much love blonde hair and most of all they want their eyebrows and facial hair bleached . So I was lucky to have them as my customers , if it wasn't for them , I am pretty sure the hydrogen peroxide would be sitting on the shelves for years cleaning 'itself' or you could be unethical and try selling for wound cleaning . But let me tell you , that is not my style , I only sell what is best for my customers , and my patients health and wellbeing will always comes first . 

The bleaching agent if used on the face , 6% is a little too strong and you could come up with a red burn rash . What I tell them to do is mix it 1 part 1 of hydrogen peroxide with their night moisturizer , and add 1 full drop of vinegar . Vinegar here is not for the skin, but for the hair , to stop weak and brittle ones to break after the bleach . Say for instance , for facial hair and eyebrow, 2ml hydrogen peroxide 6% with 2g face cream , volume depends on how much hair you've got and how thick and black your hair is . Leave it on for 10 minutes, check your hair by scraping off some cream from the eyebrow and remove completely after it has lighten to the shades you want ! As for your hair do the same with hair treatment mask for the dilution , and ofcos more vinegar . Tadahhhh DIY bleaching session complete ! 

If you like the platinum blonde kinda look , keep your hair healthy by having high protein diet . The hair after bleached is 'dead' with the least strength and keratin composition . Do regular keratin replenishment hair treatment and blow dry them with cool air gently after you wash them , so they won't break so easily . Unless you want to have really short hair like Miley Cyrus then you don't have to bother about what I just mentioned above . 

Always to a patch test on your skin before you do the major thing , DIY is fun and cheap , but skin reaction is not ! 

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