But my good Indian friend who is always light hearted says : we get Asian flush syndrome too , but my skin is too dark for you to notice it ....
Well , maybe . LOL
Asian flush syndrome first got my attention when I was working in Australia as a pharmacist , and fellow friends love a sundowner on Fridays . Oh how I miss the grill lamb rack , lightly grill , done medium rare , drizzle with some olive oil macerated with some mint leave before hand , absolutely worth worshipping *lift both hands up and look up the sky* .... Ok let's not get carried away . Back to the topic about lacking the enzyme of breaking down acetylaldehyde , does not quite often happens among my Aussie friends , which lmakes me look like a stand out red face in all my sundowners party photos. It's quite embarrassing when you look all red as if you had a severe sun burn. I wish I could burn all the photos tagged on my FB but it does not work that way ...
And the best part was my friends would try and keep away the alcohol from me as they're worried about me being intoxicated like overloaded with acetylaldehyde . So in order find a solution to people stopping me from having my booze I had to find a way to make my face don't go red. Back then there were no BB cream and foundation won't cover the flush I have *insert frown emoji*
So let me share with you what found . Something called ranitidine . They come in 150mg pack (over the counter, no prescription needed) and they are mainly use to treat acid reflux ( Asian call it :gastric ) . To block the overproduction of digestion acids . Well you will be thinking how does blocking acid do that ? It actually works by slowing the absorption of alcohol into your body. Digestion acids are liable for getting all the food breaking down into smaller molecules to aid absorption. Just like the old saying of swallowing a spoonful of butter will stop you from getting drunk , what it actually means is that coat your stomach lining with some oil, block out the acids, keep your stomach confuse better if you are eating some snacks , the alcohol absorption slows down. But common, which lady wants to swallow butter because it's so fattening , even if you know it works you won't do it , would you ? Ranitidine does the same thing accept with a fraction of the calories .
And let me tell you more , it could save you from saying no to your drinking buddies that could really drink and kept asking you to bottoms up ! The slow release of alcohol into your body stops you from getting hang over the next day too ( just in case in the crazy drinking party they don't serve good ) . Asian culture could really kill lousy drinker like me , my friendly host from China got me some 50years good old hard liquor and made me do bottoms up almost every other minute , and because she is a much older lady , from the sayings of Confucius , I must not reject her offer . But on the bright side they don't mind me looking bright red like a tomato, they are not into selfies anyway , so no tagging on FB or anything but I am totally wasted the next few days *plays hang over song*
Till I found the magical drug that fights it . So now I don't have to worry about people stopping me from drinking , with some help of ranitidine , BB cream and jokingly say : I have really good blood circulation , when people do question how come I turn so red when I have alcohol .
Ps : don't drink and drive
Pps : don't drink excessively
Ppps : don't go drinkin alone if you are a woman in kl